CZP version of Xiaxiang CHANEL Schwaro Crystal Diamond Specification Letter Earrings 💖 High -end original logo character Printing Grandma’s most 🈶 ️ The earrings black gold leather color (hand -woven) Chanel earrings are actually most long 🉐️ There is not much difference in the same style .

CZP version of Xiaxiang CHANEL Schwaro Crystal Diamond Specification Letter Earrings 💖 High -end original logo character Printing Grandma’s most 🈶 ️ The earrings black gold leather color (hand -woven) Chanel earrings are actually most long 🉐️ There is not much difference in the same style .

$101.00 $360.00
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Versão CZP do Xiaxiang Chanel Schwaro Crystal Diamond Specification Brincos 💖 High -End Original de logotipo Original Imprimindo os brincos Chanel mais longos dos brincos são realmente longos 🉐 🉐 🉐ás não há muita diferença no mesmo estilo .


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